Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
- Matthew 5:11-12
The tongues that are against God's will are tongues that are hateful. Those who say that the spiritual gift of tongues is from the evil one are judging and hating others with their tongues. An insulting tongue is equated to evil in this verse. The Bible never speaks of a cessation of Spiritual Gifts, including tongues. Those who take their man-made doctrine and use it to exalt themselves above and condemn other believers are not using the power of love, which is in God (Galatians 5:22-23; 1 John 4:16). They are using the power of hate, which is a work of the flesh, also known as a work of sin (Galatians 5:19-21). They are using condemning judgment, which is forbidden (Matthew 7:1-2). My heart pleads for them to stop doing this, to stop tearing and rending apart the Body of Christ with their words, and to start putting the love of God and of those with whom they disagree (Luke 6:27-28) above their need to justify their doctrine. Jesus says that man-made doctrines are "mere human rules (Mark 7:7, Matthew 15:9)." Doctrine is therefore nothing compared with the sanctity of the Body of Christ here on earth and in heaven. When we wound the Body of Christ, we wound ourselves as well as Christ, for we are partakers in His body. We wound those who are in His body who may have different doctrine. Jesus prayed that all His followers be of one mind and one Spirit (John 17:20-21). If the Spirit of God is not active in some peoples' minds, that is fine. But if we believe in current spiritual gifts such as miracles, tongues, and simply the Holy presence of God which can sanctify and drive corruption and disease from our flesh, then where is God insulted? I would submit that God is glorified by our proclamation of His Holy Power still present here on earth. I am not a cessationist, but I believe God can be glorified in any context. I am not perfect in witholding judgment. I judge a good deal in my heart. But I know it's not alright, and I try to repent as much as possible. I know that God loves everyone, even those with whom I disagree. I pray that my heart be further sanctified against judgment, and that we in the Body of Christ who condemn each other receive God's mercy, to show us that no one is beyond redemption.