
  My name is Tim Clarke, and we need love in our lives today!!!  I have been a born again Christian for most of my life, and thought I had everything figured out, but I didn't really figure this out until God showed me!  I even had some seminary under my belt, but I did not figure it out there either!  Not many institutions are able to teach love, at least the ones at which I've been.

 We know all we need to know when the apostle John says, "God is love.  Those who live in love live in God, and God in them (1 John 4)."  Now, he also says only those who love Jesus can truly love, so with these two truths, we know that it is imperative to love God and people!!!  A lot of people think they can do one without the other, and that God is okay if we go through life without forgiving our enemies and trying to love them.  But there is no scriptural support for this!!!  In fact, there is much scriptural support that God desires we forgive all people.

 If you are reading this, I believe God has sent you to this page to discover how Jesus, James, Peter, Paul, and John all talked about the desire of God to love many, many people in this life, even people with whom we don't want to associate!!!  Now, if you want to see the scriptural proof for this, just take a look at the articles on the blog: it's all spelled out very clearly for you to understand!  I recommend that you start with "The Only Thing that Counts."  From there, feel free to peruse at your leisure!

 Now a little bit about me:  I grew up Catholic, had a period of of leaving the church, then joined the "born-again" Christian denominations.  I currently attend a non-denominational evangelical church with my wife.  I am an Army veteran.  In my past job, I help intellectually disabled people achieve goals in their lives.  Currently, I run a missions organization with the help of our board out of Waterloo, IA.  I am thankful for God saving me from myself, every day.  Praise God, and thank the Lord Jesus!!!

- Tim Clarke

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