Immorality Through Hatred


Immorality through hate, is something we in America, have a problem with.  Hate, is more immoral, than the things which we choose to hate.  Our hate, is the opposite, of God’s love.  God said, to spread His love, not hatred, which is not of God.  So when we give hatred, and consider it love, we are fooling ourselves.  We need to think twice, and recognize, that hatred, is Not, true love.  True love, which is pure, comes, from God, and he distributes it to us, to give to others.  We need, more love, and not more intolerance, for things like religion or sexuality.  Intolerance, is a simple term, that means, you “hate.”  Intolerance, is not of God.  Intolerance, of other peoples religions, did not come originally from God.  It came from those who persecuted the children of God.  So when we adopt it, as our own policy, we are adopting hatred, into our lives. 

Love is important, and more important than hatred.  When we make space, in our lives, for love, we will “live better.”  When we hurt, instead of helping, we will “live worse.”  It is our choice, and it is simple: to love, or to hate.  Give God his due, and give his people, love.  His people, are all people, who are children on the planet.  He has created them.  It is up to us, to love them.


God be with you all.

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