I have waited to publish these visions for over 6 months now, because I felt I should wait until God tells me to tell people. Well, He's let me know that I should start sharing this. The following visions occurred in April at the end of a month-long fasting period for me. The first is an urgent message for Christians, even in America, and is as follows:
I was sitting in the car while my client walked at Valley
View Park in Waterloo on Monday April 5th, 2021, the day after Easter. The Lord highlighted three groups to me in
the coming days. First, the Lord showed
me two trees in front of me, which although they had leaves before the vision started,
were now barren. God said to me in the
Spirit that they were evil. The context
was that they bore no good fruit (John 15).
One tree was Christians who were religious but not spiritual, and the
other group were atheists. He showed me
that through watering (making the choice to make prayer and intercession), the
Christians would begin to bear fruit and regain their innocence, ceasing to be
evil. This will be accomplished by the
living water of the Holy Spirit. Then
the Lord showed me a third tree that was evil, and this tree would be the evil
Christians who were still unrepentant.
They bore no good fruit. They
would have an appearance of good (a form of Godliness but denying the power
thereof, which God predicted in the last days), but secretly they would be
twisted, wicked, and blind guides like the Pharisees. They would be the modern day Pharisees. They will accuse God's spiritual church (the
Christians who finally bore fruit) of being the antichrist and God's church
would appear as the antichrist to the world.
The tree that represented these Christians seemed to wither and collapse
in flames. God showed me it meant the
unrepentant Christians who accused His people of being the antichrist would be
wiped out. They would not be able to
stand in the coming judgment on the Last Day and would not receive eternal
life. The Lord clarified to me later
that day that we are to intercede for them to change their ways and pursue the
power of the Spirit which will preserve them.
God showed me that not only would they not stand on the last day, but
their physical lives would be destroyed in the birth pains of the times to
come, before the last day. The atheists
would stand stronger than they would, because they stand by the power of the
evil one, but these unrepentant Christians who accused God's church would have
no power protecting them, not even the inferior power of the enemy, and they
would therefore fall more easily than the atheists. God wants the unrepentant Christians to know
that He loves them, and that they need to repent of their accusations so they
can begin to access His power to stand.
The Lord told me I am to be an intercessor to these Christians.
That was the vision. I feel that it is a big part of my life's work to pray, prophesy over, and intercede for these "spiritually dead" Christians. Part of doing this is letting them know their status and praying over it, and I believe the vision is a prophecy of the times to come, very soon. One thing I see happening is that I see more Christians taking politically violent stances that they believe are an acceptable response to the violence of the ungodly. This is sorely mistaken. Violence will not quell violence, but the love and light of Jesus Christ will. Say what you will about what the laws allow, but there is a higher law, a law of Jesus Christ, that commands us to love our enemies - not to shoot them or stab them. And that might be funny to some, but Jesus says it in both Matthew and Luke - to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.
We as American Christians believe that the flag will protect us. But the flag will not protect us from the devil. Only the Son of God will protect us from the devil in these end times. We think that storing up riches for ourselves, or even just food, ammunition, and gold will protect us. But Jesus tells us to store up our goods in heaven, not on earth where thieves steal and moths will destroy. I am guilty of this myself and need to repent. Just today I was thinking of saving more money for retirement and donating a little less to charity. The Lord gave me a word about "riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise, thou my inheritance now and always." So He refreshed my mind and I realized that my inheritance does not COME FROM money, it comes from the Lord! He is my inheritance, and what a greater inheritance than cold unfeeling cash. He is also Jehovah Jireh (God who Provides), and He will give us the money we need when we come to Him for it. The Lord promises that thieves will come to steal, so why do we think if we buy more guns we will keep our treasures safe? Store up your treasures in heaven by giving away some of your treasure now, and let it be put to good use instead of sitting there in the bank while people lack the essentials, like food and heat. Ultimately, it is between you and God, and if my words help you to donate more, it is because the Holy Spirit touched your heart while you read them. So I'll leave it at that.
I had another vision the next day. It gave a little more detail as to what would happen, and how the unrepentant Christians would interact with good Christians in the days to come:
When persecution comes in the near future, it will be from
Pharisee Christians against
Christians who are bearing fruit in the power of the Spirit of God. I saw a fire around and in the tree bearing
fruit that I saw yesterday, and the fire came from the tree which represented the wicked Christians who
refused to stop sinning by the power of the Spirit. The fruit-bearing tree was on fire at first,
but then the fire was only around the tree. A circle of protection came over the tree. This represented Christ vindicating His people and preventing them from
further harm after an initial trial. There was a literal circle around the tree off of which the fire bounced, and there was no fire within the circle after an initial period of trial in which the fire was upon the tree.
The Lord then gave me a verse:
Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate
sacrifices offered to the dead; they
provoked the Lord to anger with their deeds, and a plague broke out among
them. Then Phinehas stood up and
intervened, and the plague was stayed.
And that was counted to him as righteousness from generation to
generation forever.
Psalm 106:28-31 ESV
He is telling me I am to be the Phineas of this scenario,
and the people I will be intervening for will be Christians tempted with atheism.
All this is to say, as much as you hear about atheism coming and being the cause of Christian persecution, my interpretation from this vision is that in the near-term, the persecution will come from unrepentant Christians who hate Christians who bear fruit. And not Christians who are liberal with their theology, but conservative Christians who try to enforce laws and rules that they themselves do not follow in the way they expect others to follow. This is what the Pharisees did in Jesus' time: they tied heavy burdens on the back of others and then did not lift a finger to help them. What comes to mind is people condemning others for their sins, such as those who commit abortions or practice homosexuality, instead of showing them the power of the Holy Spirit who can free them from their homosexual desires or can provide for them financially despite the cost of having another child. We need to show God's children the Light!!!
God made them, and He expects us to preach the Good News, not the Bad News. Not simply that what they do is sinful, but that Jesus can free them from their sin and make them holy!!! As a survivor of sexual abuse, I sometimes have had urges of lust that have to do with the internet. And for many years, I heard in church that you shouldn't look at pornography. Yet I felt I was powerless to do so! And I had no alternative, they just told me to "stop." The truth is, there is something called a "spirit of lust," that is an evil spirit which tempts us to lust, and whenever we do something sexual that is forbidden, this can open the door to the spirit of lust in our life.
The bottom line is, if I sin in this way, I need to perform spiritual deliverance on myself, sometimes with the help of my wife, to drive out the spirit of lust and close the door. Then the temptation is much more tolerable. If we don't teach sinners things like this, they will never stop sinning! If they don't learn things like deliverance and healing prayer, what hope is there for the demonically oppressed and the sick? We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! A great book to start with is one by Francis MacNutt, called simply, "Healing." I have recommended this book to multiple people with health problems that seem uninterested in it, and I can't understand why. Don't be those people. God's Holy Spirit power is waiting for you, and though the book won't give it to you, it will give you practical advice on how to pray for healing and deliverance. Buy it!
So what am I trying to communicate with all this? My first suggestion is that as the nation runs toward ruin, we should not run with it. We cannot get caught up in the cycle of violence that is playing itself out on our TVs. My second suggestion is that we should pray. We should pray against the cycle of violence instead of looking to worldly political powers to stop it. They are not our Makers, God is our Maker. Thirdly, as the nation and the world become more sinful, we need to learn how to pray in the Spirit - deliverance prayer and healing prayer. Fourth, we cannot condemn sinners for their sin when Jesus did not condemn us for our sin - instead, He saved us. Sin is sin, and me looking at lustful pictures on the internet is just as much a sin as a man or woman practicing homosexuality. The Lord says that if we even look at someone in lust we have committed adultery. That's not to say He won't forgive us for it, and that's not to say there is no hope. The Hope is the Living Water of The Holy Spirit. Jesus offers it to us freely, and when we refresh ourselves with it, we will bear good fruit. Water yourself with the Holy Spirit by praying to and worshipping our God in your spare time, not watching violent and sexual TV shows. Water yourself with the Spirit by reading the Bible instead of watching all the terrible things on news channels. Prayer DOES SOMETHING about those things, but watching just fills us with anger and fear. Let's move back to prayer as a nation.
God Bless you, God love you, and God save you!